Tuesday 30 September 2014

Contents Page - Flat Plan

College Magazine Contents Page - Flat Plan

This is my magazine contents page flat plan. One thing i forgot to plan down was where my flannel panel would go. I would locate this somwhere below the page numbers, title lines and descriptions.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Contents Page Stories Ideas

College Magazine Contents Page Stories Ideas

This is a list of ideas I had for the stories in my contents page. The page numbers would be added chronologically and would be spaced about 2-5 numbers apart depending on how much information I would think each story could hold if it were created.

College Magazine Cover - name and coverline ideas

Ideas for college magazine name and coverline ideas

I went with the idea of calling it Relevant because it would seem up-to-date by it's name and relevant to interests happening at the time. I changed the name after i planned the names because the previous name 'relevance' sounded more like a fashion magazine's name to me.

College Magazine Cover - Font Selection

Font Selection for Masthead and Coverlines

This image shows the fonts i would like to use in my college magazine cover. I chose them because they look sophisticated but also recognizable. I changed my mind on what I want to call my masthead because Relevance sounded to feminine. I wanted a balance since the audience is of both gender so I changed it to Relevant.

I also changed the font for my coverlines to a font that has less spaced out words when typed with.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Photoshoot Photographs for College Magazine Cover


College Magazine Cover Photoshoot

The images were meant to be a medium close-up but i did not really know what a medium close-up was. A positive to this was it gave a lot of space to crop the image.

Monday 22 September 2014

Audience Profile


Audience Profile

This is the audience profile of my audience for my college magazine cover - 

Friday 19 September 2014

College Magazine Cover - Mood Board

                        College Magazine Cover - Mood Board

     Mood board for planning the photo-shoot for magazine front cover image.

College Magazine Cover - Flat Plan

College Magazine Cover Flat Plan

Monday 15 September 2014

Media Questionnaire - Word Definitions


                   Media Questionnaire Word Definitions 

  Primary Research - Personal research, initiated by you, doesn't exist, is original.

Examples - Questionnaire, survey, focus group, interviews, etc. 

Secondary Research - Already exists, someone else carried it out.

Examples - Books, the web, reviews, articles, existing magazines, reports, etc. 

Qualitative = Quality information - Who, What, When, Where, Why, etc. 

Quantitative = Quantity information - numbers, percentages, fractions, etc.

Thursday 11 September 2014

What is a magazine?

                  What is a magazine?

A magazine is a publication that is usually sent out to sell periodically, some are hardcopy but some magazines can be published digitally.

The magazine will usually have stories, pictures and information relating to the front image of the magazine or could be generally about films, books, knitting or other different subjects.

Magazines will usually have a masthead that is eye catching to the target audience. Magazines usually have coverlines too which give a little bit more information about what is in the magazine. Puffs or Buzz’s are used to draw the reader in by saying something is ‘free inside’ or something to make a sudden interest for the reader.

The purpose of a magazine is to be interesting to the target audience, by having relevant images and text, this may be a niche or large audience.