Friday 31 October 2014

Friday 24 October 2014

Masthead Design

I may also use the bottom left or bottom right typeface for my masthead because they also look bold, edgy and futuristic, which relates to electronic music in the way it sounds.

I will most probably use the typeface second down on the right because it is very unique and bold.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Press Release

Music Magazine - Picking The Name

I found and thought of a few words that related to electricity so that it linked in with the idea of making a magazine related to electronic music. 

Red = Personally the worst
Orange = Personally average
Green = Best chosen

I chose Impulse because it relates to electricity, so it also links to the idea of electronic music.
The idea behind the word also holds power which would be attractive to my target audience.

An impulse is the push or pull of still or moving electrons, ions or other charged particles. It is also an emotional urge or desire.

Most of the words I did not choose because they were too weak sounding or had bad or other irrelevant associations.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Music Magazine - Questionnaire

This is my music magazine questionnaire to research my target audience. I accidentally made a mistake on question 6 where I put "for you pay for" when it was meant to be "for you to pay for". 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Music Magazine Research

I like the layout of this cover because it is centralized and would interest more mature audiences of electronic music. The tidy centralized look also helps emphasize the big chunky typeface style. I like how the image is also centered and is nearly symmetrical. I might create a picture that has a central or symmetrical look to relate to electronic music as the music is usually patterned and harmonic. The people in the main image are young and quirky . This is due to the fact that you would not usually see people waiting these sort of clothes casually.


Thursday 2 October 2014

College Magazine - Contents Page

College Magazine - Front Cover

Contents Page - Skills Development


College Magazine Contents Page - Skills Development


I changed the rectangle that was behind the social media and Instagram icons. I replaced it with a blue oval as I thought it looked more appealing. I changed the colour of the shape that is behind the flannel panel so it fitted more with the colour scheme. I then changed the flannel panel text as it was blue it would not have been visible.